Virtual Resources

UM Counseling Center

Students can be seen by the Counseling Center through Zoom telemental health sessions or telephone. All students, regardless of location, can access the 24/7 Crisis Line by calling 305-284-5511 (Press 1) to speak with a counselor. 

The LGBTQ group meets Wednesdays from 3-4:30 p.m. The student can call the center and ask for Kirt and reference the group.

Staff are also able to call 305-284-5511 if they are concerned about a student. 


Pridelines is offering virtual Guided Meditation Meetings every Wednesday from 7-7:30 p.m. You can RSVP under their "Events" tab.

YES Institute

Offering several group Zoom sessions open to the public. Calendar of events is listed on their website.
