Prospective Students

We understand that the transition to college life can be full of questions and unknowns. Before you arrive at the University of Miami, below are some common questions you may have.

For more information or additional questions, please contact the LGBTQ Student Center at 305-284-3935.

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  • As a prospective student, will I be required to select male or female on the admissions application?

    Since the University of Miami is a member of the Common Application, it is mandated by federal guidelines to collect data on the legal sex of all applicants (as stated on one’s birth certificate). If you wish to provide more details regarding your sex or gender identity, applicants are welcome and encouraged to do so in the additional information section of their application.

  • How welcoming and affirming is the U?

    The U is very welcoming and affirming. It received 4 out of 5 stars in the national listing of LGBTQ-Friendly Colleges and Universities. The Campus Pride Index score is an overall indicator of institutional commitment to LGBTQ-inclusive policies, programs, and practices. For over a decade, Campus Pride has continued to be the most trusted, reliable educational resource for students and families when it comes to finding the best campuses for LGBTQ inclusion and safety.

  • Does the U offer gender inclusive housing?

    Yes, the university currently offers gender-inclusive housing. Gender-inclusive housing is an environment where student housing is not restricted to traditional limitations of the gender binary (male/female). Instead, gender-inclusive housing is based on the notion that more than two genders exist. This is a departmental and University commitment to establish more inclusiveness and room for diverse identities. Gender-inclusive housing means that students from all gender identities and expressions may choose to live together. For more information, contact the Department of Housing & Residential Life.

  • Are LGBTQIA+ individuals a protected class at the University?

    It is the policy of the University of Miami that no person within the jurisdiction thereof shall, on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, disability, veteran status, genetic information or any other protected factor be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination or harassment (including all forms of sexual harassment and sexual violence) under any program or activity of the University, regardless of whether such program or activity occurs on-campus or off-campus.

  • What services are offered on campus for LGBTQ+ Students?

    The U was the first to offer a standalone LGBTQ Student Center in a South Florida college or university. The LGBTQ Student Center strives to foster the inclusion and support of all students, staff, faculty, alumni, and friends. It is inclusive of all genders, orientations, expressions, and identities. The Center focuses on education, outreach, programming, engagement, empowerment, and advocacy for increased visibility in the university community. The Center is the H.E.A.R.T. of the UM LGBTQ+ community, providing a Holistic approach to Educating and creating Awareness and Advocacy on issues that impact the LGBTQIA+ community. Using Restorative practices, it strives to Transform, inspire and strengthen the community. The Center intentionally creates opportunities for student engagement and leadership development. The Center offers a trans friendly resource guide for incoming transgender students.

  • Does the U offer an LGBTQ+ or Queer studies major?

    The U offers the LGBTQ Studies minor and is designed to allow students to explore sexuality and sexual minorities from a variety of perspectives. The minor will provide students with an introduction to a broad array of LGBTQ issues including visual and performing arts, literature, languages, history, social science, various theories, public policy and the law, families and other types of intimate relationships, crime, popular culture, and LGBTQ identities and communities. For more information, please contact the College of Arts and Sciences, Gender and Sexuality Studies (GSS) program at 305-284-6116 or visit their website.

  • Are there LGBTQ+ student organizations at the U?

    There are currently multiple LGBTQ student organizations on campus. Additionally, there is a network of LGBTQ+ faculty and staff who can serve as role models and mentors as well as the LGBTQ 'Cane alumni network for our alumni. Plenty of ways to be involved!

  • Are there gender-inclusive restrooms on campus?

    The University is dedicated to providing people of all gender expressions with access to safe, comfortable environments when they need to use the restroom. There are gender-inclusive restrooms located on both the Coral Gables and RSMAS campuses. Stop by our office for more information.

  • Where can I change my name and gender marker?

    Students can make an internal name change on Canelink by following these six easy steps:

    1. Log into your Canelink Account
    2. Click "Canelink for Student"
    3. Go to the "My Profile" tab and select "Biographical Information"
    4. Click the edit button next to "Preferred Name"
    5. A new page will open where you can change your first and middle name
    6. Click save to update your chosen name

    Please be aware that the change in Canelink does not officially change your name and/or gender with the University official records. To request an official name and/or gender change you must do so in writing by providing proper documentation to the Office of the University Register, located at 'Canes Central in the Student Services Building.

    For Gender Marker Change
    For Name Change

  • What is the Gender and Sexuality Living Learning Community ?

    The LGBTQ Student Center offers a Gender and Sexuality Living Learning Community. The mission of the Gender and Sexuality LLC is to promote student retention by establishing a safe space for LGBTQIA+ students and their allies on campus; while developing their gender and sexual identity awareness, academics, and leadership skills. The LLC is a collaboration between the LGBTQ Student Center, HRL, and GSS. All are welcome!

  • I am planning to study abroad, are there things I should know as a member of the LGBTQIA+ Community?

    If you are LGBTQIA+ and considering applying to study abroad, the Study Abroad office offers the following resources that may be helpful.

    Students who identify as LGBTQ should research their destination and talk with the staff in the study abroad office about the cultural norms and LGBTQ rights and issues in their location in order to feel safe and comfortable in their host country.

  • Are there any LGBTQIA+ scholarships?

    The University of Miami's Gender and Sexuality Studies and the College of Arts and Sciences offer an LGBTQ Studies scholarship for pre-professional students looking to pursue a minor in LGBTQIA+ Studies.

    The Aqua Foundation for Women awards merit scholarships to LGBTQIA+ women, transgender, intersex, and non-binary students who are pursuing a degree–associates, bachelors, masters, and doctorates. The scholarship helps pay for tuition and supports scholars in their leadership development.

    The Point Foundation awards scholarship funding to LGBTQIA+ students who are currently enrolled in a 4-year program. This scholarship may assist with tuition, housing, and class fees!
