Campus Resources

Whether you’re a UM student or another member of the Hurricanes family, you can reach out and find numerous resources for support, networking, and inclusion. Please browse through this page to search for resources that best suit your needs and please contact the LGBTQ Student Center for more information.


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  • UM Counseling Center

    The UM Counseling Center is the primary counseling and mental health provider for UM students. Among its services is the LGBTQ Understand Self and Others Group Counseling, held Thursdays 3-4pm and lead by Kirt McClellan.

  • UM Student Health Services

    The Student Health Service works to create and maintain an open, safe, and inclusive environment for all students. All of the clinicians at the Health Center are open and here to serve all students. You can have an open conversation with your Primary Care Provider (PCP) and any disclosures will only serve to improve the quality of care you receive and remain confidential.

    More information is available on the Student Health Service website.

    To make an appointment, visit

  • Report a Bias-Related Incident

    To foster a Culture of Belonging, the University of Miami encourages everyone to report bias incidents that occur in our community so that inappropriate and unwelcome behavior may be properly addressed and the community at large can be educated. A bias incident - defined as an action, behavior, or expression against an individual’s or group’s actual or perceived identity - can be reported to the Dean of Students Office via this form.

  • Toppel Career Center

    The Toppel Career Center provides identity-based resources to assist in your career search. Find career resources for the LGBTQ+ community here.

  • Gender-Inclusive Housing

    The Department of Housing & Residential Life (HRL) at the University of Miami seeks to provide a living environment welcoming to all gender identities. Click here for more information on gender-inclusive housing.

  • Gender-Neutral and Inclusive Restrooms

    The University of Miami is dedicated to providing people of all gender identities and expressions with access to safe, comfortable environments when they need to use the restroom.

    Click here for a map of all Gender-Neutral and Inclusive restrooms located throughout the Coral Gables campus.

    Click here for a map of all Gender-Neutral and Inclusive restrooms located throughout the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science (RSMAS) campus.

  • Refuge Restroom

    Refuge Restroom is a web application that seeks to provide safe restroom access for transgender, intersex, and gender-nonconforming individuals. Users can search for restrooms by proximity to a search location, add new restroom listings, as well as comment and rate existing listings.

  • LGBTQ Faculty-Staff Network

    This network connects UM employees who are interested in learning more about the LGBTQ+ community at UM and ways to support students and fellow colleagues. The network meets several times a year for social activities and conversations about current events, programming, and ideas for improving LGBTQ life on campus. If you are a University of Miami employee who would like to join the LGBTQ Faculty-Staff Network listserv, email us at with your request.

  • IBIS Ally Network

    Faculty, staff, administrators, and students who display the IBIS Ally Network symbol in their offices or elsewhere are part of the IBIS (I Believe In Solidarity) Ally Network. They have completed an intensive training session on how to be an advocate and resource for LGBTQ+ students, and they've pledged to promote a campus community that is inclusive, supportive, and equitable for people of all sexual orientations and gender identities and expressions.

  • Study Abroad

    The Study Abroad office supports students of all identities! Identities are inherently intersectional, and if you are considering applying to study abroad, we want you to reflect on how the many ways you see yourself as a member of multiple, diverse, intersecting communities will be reflected and experienced when you travel abroad. Visit the LGBTQ+ Abroad page to reflect on how your potential host country understands gender, gender identity, and sexual orientation, as well as view resources to help with studying abroad. Gender roles and perceptions can vary tremendously around the world, so they also have a page dedicated to resources regarding Gender Identity Abroad

  • Communication Tips

    In its ongoing mission to create policies that support and empower the LGBTQ+ community, the University established guidelines for schools, colleges, departments, and students to follow when developing stories, press releases, and other digital, print, or verbal materials. You can view these helpful hints in the University's Editorial and Style Guide.

Frequently Asked Questions

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